Home User Profile Helen Carnate
Helen Carnate Profile Page
Helen Carnate
12 years ago
8 years ago
10 years ago

Announcer Profile

Helen Carnate
New Hampshire Roller Derby


  • Announcing my first bout in April 2012 with Adam Furious but ONLY because Captain Skidd's car broke down on the way (thanks Skidd! I mean that!).
  • Taping my first broadcast announcing in June 2013 for Manchester TV (Look, ma! I'm on TV!).
  • Receiving an emailnotifying me that I've been accepted to announce at Division I playoffs only minutes after wrapping a great weekend as THA for the first time.
  • All of D1 Richmond (2013)


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Contact Info

Helen Carnate


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Helen Carnate's connections

  Kim Deal With It
  Johnny Cash Machine